The Enigma is a self-righting, flat bottomed and beachable mini-cruising sailboat. Enigma is referred to as a small, long distance coastal cruiser and is propelled by a single sail, or with an oar. It uses chine runners instead of a centerboard to reduce draft and complexity. It has room for 2 people for day sailing and 1 or possibly 2 people for sleeping aboard. Matt Layden designed and built the original Enigma 360 in 2005, and sailed it around Florida in the Florida Ultimate Challenge, coming in 3rd place. Matt also designed a larger 460 version with a hard cabin top. The plans for both boats are not yet available from Matt. Two other Enigma 360 clones have been built; one is currently sailing and the other is in the final stages of completion. I plan to build a 450 version (4.5 meters) based on information available on the internet. I will document my build on this blog.
More information on Enigma is available at the Enigma Yahoo Group
Some advantages of the Enigma design can be seen here.
These are the current drawings for my boat. They were done with a public domain boat design program called Free!ship. Some members on the Enigma group have been helping me learn to use it. I basically took the Enigma 360 lines, increased the measurements by 10% and added about 14" of length to the middle of the hull. This should give me extra room inside. I plan to have a hard top cabin, which I haven't drawn on the plans yet.
This is Matt's original Enigma 360 with a canvas dodger.
This is the Enigma 460 with a hard top cabin.
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